Leiš Bucheits ekki fęr?

Enn og aftur kemur fram hörš gagnrżni į hvernig stašiš var aš žessum Icesave samningi og nś frį einum af hęfustu samninga mönnum heims ķ svona mįlum. Hvaš žarf aš koma til svo aš rķkisstjórnin meš Steingrķm J ķ fararbroddi hlusti? Er žessi ofur trś į eigiš įgęti og trś žeirra į hęfni samninganefndarinnar  sem send var til višręšna viš Breta og Hollendinga slķk aš menn neita aš sjį hiš augljósa.  Af hverju er žaš oršiš of seint aš taka aftur upp žrįšinn viš Breta og Hollendinga žegar žjóšin stendur frammi fyrir einni stęrstu įkvöršun sem hśn hefur oršiš aš taka frį upphafi lżšveldisins. Liggur virkilega svo į aš menn séu reišubśnir aš flana aš slķkri įkvöršun og telji sig ekki hafa tķma til aš grundvalla įkvöršunartöku sķna meš hlišsjón af rįšleggingum hęfustu manna.  Af hverju var sś leiš sem Bucheits leggur til ekki fęr. Er žaš vegna žess aš Bretar og Hollendingar vildu ekki fara hana og samninganefndin tók žvķ bara žegjandi og hélt ekki uppi vörnum fyrir mįlstaš okkar? Af hverju er ekki lįtiš reyna į žaš fyrir dómstólum hvaš okkur ber aš borga.  Ég trśi žvķ ekki aš sś leiš sé ekki fęr bara af žvķ aš Bretar og Hollendingar vilji žaš ekki. Hvers lags lżšręšis og réttar skipulag bśa žessar žjóšir viš? Er žaš ekki vaninn aš leitaš sé til dómstóla žegar žjóšrķki greinir į. Ég kaupi žaš ekki aš annar ašilinn geti samiš leikreglurnar įn samrįšs viš ašra hlutašeigandi ašila. Nei hér er ekki veriš aš segja okkur alla söguna eša įstęšuna fyrir žvķ aš svona mikiš liggur viš, enda įttu žingmenn ekki aš fį aš sjį allan Icesave samningin ķ upphafi mįlsins, eša eru menn bśnir aš gleyma hvaša leynd hvķldi yfir honum ķ byrjun og gerir aš vissu leiti enn?

mbl.is Leiš Buchheits ekki fęr
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 Smįmynd: Elle_

Jį, žaš er merkilegt.   Žaš skiptir engu hvaš mikill fjöldi lęršra manna kemur fram meš rök gegn ICE-SLAVE.  Jį, af hverju ljśga žau aš žaš sé oršiš of seint aš fella samninginn og endursemja?   Rafn, žaš er EKKI of seint.  Žaš er EKKI bśiš aš skrifa undir.   Žaš er e-š óendanlega undarlegt žarna undirliggjandi.  

Elle_, 12.8.2009 kl. 23:47

2 identicon

I might be wrong, but it seems all the Icelandic Depositors did not lose anything..........My account was closed in the old Landsbanki and opened in the new Landsbanki because my account was in Iceland. I did not lose a Kronur....All the accounts in the UK were closed........(Think.......If you were in Reykjavik...you were safe....If you were in an śtibu(Kopavogar) you didn“t get a penny from the old Landsbanki...........The British Government paid the Icesave investors...........The Red Cross, Oxfam, West Yorkshire council and hundreds of charities and councils will  to sue Iceland individually if the Icelandic Government does not agree to pay back what was stolen. The stolen money was used to buy Yachts, private jets and other expensive items such as penthouses in London and New York. Some of it was use to buy Range rovers, luxus Jeeps, big american 3.5 ton ranch waggons, quad bikes, mobile homes, trailer tents, new homes, new summer houses, and lots of other items that the Icelandic Nation could not really afford. Some members of your Government are trying to blame the Dutch and the British for not stopping IceSave.........Can you imagine what would have happened if the UK Government had stopped Icesave....Your entire Nation would have been "Screaming ".......How dare the UK Government stop IceSave...........!!!! Your Government was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing......NOTHING !!! Your Central Bank was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing.......Your newspapers said, the British and the rest of the world are Jealous because of our succes.....Your President said "You ain“t seen nothing yet !!!" Well...we have seen it all now.........

The British and Dutch citizens could not care less who stole the money !!! all they want is that their money is paid back.......You really need to stop blaming everyone else for what happened in Iceland....Your Government....Your Gangsters........You really need to get the people whole stole all this money, and freeze their assets, and put them behind bars....Good Luck !!!

Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 13.8.2009 kl. 00:15

3 Smįmynd: Elle_

Fair Play.

We do know this.  I have and will freely admit our government“s longtime and utter incompetence and our corrupt or more likely criminal banks.   People here have demanded an investigation since last October and an investigation is now ongoing.   People have demanded since last October that peoples“ assets be frozen and people arrested and held liable for any theft regarding Icesave.  Yet, most of us, 67.9% og the population to be exact, DO NOT WANT TO PAY FOR ICESAVE.   The common public had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Icesave, this private debt of Bjorgolfur Thor Bjorgolfsson and Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson. one of which does not live in Iceland, but Britain. Yet Britain, the Netherlands and IMF want to force the public of Iceland alone, to pay this colossal debt of a PRIVATE BANK operating in all three countries: Britain, the Netherlands and Iceland.   We the Icelandic public did not run the bank.   We the Icelandic public did not have the job of overseeing this bank“s operation. No, the overseeing task fell under the governments of all three countries.   The vast majority of the Icelandic public is against paying Icesave and people have opposed it long and hard.    And many Icelanders fear the outcome of  Icesave.   People started fleeing the country over one half year ago.    Those who fled will not have to pay Icesafe.  No, this will leave the elders of Iceland to pay this horrible private debt of those men. And the elders will be paying to BRITAIN, to the country in which Bjorgolfur Thor, Icesave“s main owner, lives.   Do you call that justice?

This is
the EEA/EU 94/19/EC DIrective, under which the Icesave bank, Landsbanki,  operated.  And It does not obligate the Icelandic public to pay Icesave:

"Whereas this Directive may NOT result in the Member States' or their competent authorities' being made liable in respect of depositors if they have ensured that one or more schemes guaranteeing deposits or credit institutions themselves and ensuring the compensation or protection of depositors under the conditions prescribed in this Directive have been introduced and officially recognized."

Elle_, 13.8.2009 kl. 00:55

4 Smįmynd: Elle_

67.9% of the population - it should have been.

Elle_, 13.8.2009 kl. 11:27

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